Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Kingston start of Limestone coast


Just before we arrived in Kingston took a detour to "THE GRANITES" big rocks in the surf. Nice big car park which would make a good overnite campsite



Kingston home of the "BIG LOBSTER". Decided to spend couple days here, as they have free camping for self contained vans right beside the jetty. Doesn't get any better than that


Cape Jaffa lighthouse, previously situated out to sea on the treacherous Margaret Brock reef.  was the Regarded as a marine engineering feat, it was the only Australian offshore lighthouse which had quarters for a keeper


Cute cottage on the way into town



 Apex garden with some unusual limestone sculptures & sundials


Finally got the bikes off back of van & went for nice ride around town & through Apex park


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Tuesday, February 28, 2012

42 Mile Crossing in Coorong National Park

After leaving Long Point, headed south into Limestone Coast country, 1st stop 42 Mile crossing campsite




Young guy from Germany hitchhiking his way around OZ was picked up by a couple from Windsor NSW & brought him into the campsite. Don't you just love his bed for the night!!!!!!


Local resident lazing in sand dunes






40 minute walk through the sand dunes brought us out to the beach





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Bob on the beach

Monday, February 27, 2012

Salt Creek


Along the way we found this old oil  rig, where they had tried unsuccessfully to  find oil in this part of SA
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Sunday, February 26, 2012

Long Point in Coorong National Park

Left Adelaide this morning & headed off over the Adelaide hills to Murray Bridge. One last dance with our friends we have met @ Country Music dances on a Sunday afternoon.
After the dance headed off through Tailem Bend & onto Meningie & then out to Coorong National park. Had the whole campsite to ourselves & awesome sunset
This amazing sunset over the waters of the Coorong
Same view the next morning
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Saturday, February 25, 2012

Garden of Unearthly Delights

Adelaide at the moment is in full swing of all their festivals. Garden of Unearthly Delights, Fringe festival parade was on last night + the Clipsal formula racing starts next weekend. It's GO GO GO!!!!



A wander around the gardens & we came across all these wonderful old carnival tents, with the unusual side shows!!!












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Grand gates to Botanical gardens & check to fabulous pub on opposite corner