Monday, April 16, 2012

Pink Cliffs - Heathcote

A short drive from town brought us to the Pink cliffs

This interesting & colourful phenomenon was exposed by early gold mining activities

The McIvor gold rush began in April 1853 & attracted thousands of prospectors.
They swarmed throughout the area & quickly exhausted gold in the shallow conglomerate-free grounds

Sluicing work was carried on until early 1880's & it was in this period that work in the Pink cliffs area revealed these colourful "hills"

Spider web
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Valley of Liquid Amber trees

Just a short drive from town, is these lovely Liquid Amber trees in their full Autumn glory


Heathcote has a rich gold mining history, grand buildings

Town hall

McIvor Range Reserve & Powder magazine

Swinging bridge over McIvor creek
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Camp hill Gaol built in 1861
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Sunday, April 15, 2012


A whistle stop in Shepparton, quick look at Goulburn river & lake & now making our way towards the Great Ocean Road

Our trip up this way was to get the van re-registered in NSW ie getting a pink slip done (much easier in NSW than in Vict as they do a full inspection over pits etc)

Bob & Jan's shadow from the bridge

Victoria park lake
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Shepparton Moooving Art

When we drove into Shepparton, I thought we were back in Margaret River in WA & their Cow Parade.

Moooving Art is a unique & ever changing public art revolution scattered across the Greater Shepparton's parks, gardens, riverbanks & public spaces are an array of colourful, ever changing fibreglass cows that make up the Moooving Art herd

Greater Shepparton produces a large percentage of Ausralia's dairy exports, making the bovine a natural choice for this unusual exhibition.

There are more than 90 cows in the Moooving Art herd.  These are just a few we saw driving through town


Strawberries & cream
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