Sunday, January 8, 2012

Bublacowie Military museum

Set in two acres of native trees & shrubs in the midst of rich wheat & barley growing area of Yorke peninsula. Built on grounds of the former Bublacowie single classroom school, which is now a private residence


As it was a cold blustery day, decided it would be a good idea to check out this museum north of Yorketown & spend a few hours exploring all the memorabilia. Ended up we spent 4 hours there, & also chatting with owner Chris



The museum was built by Chris & his wife Enid (deceased) to perpetuate memories of the sacrifies made by so many in all conflicts & to help our young learn of our military history



Christopher Soar B.M himself a Malay & Vietnam veteran, follows family tradition, his father serving in Royal Marines in WW2, & both his Grandfathers who served in WW1



Apart from the visual Medals, Uniforms & memorabilia the museum contains photographic & personal items from a considerable number of local servicemen & women who served their country in all major conflicts













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