Sunday, December 4, 2011

Cape Borda lighthouse

After spending the night @ camp ground behind the Parndana hotel $10 with power. Time to keep heading west to Flinders Chase National park 36km bitumen & 30km gravel road to Cape Borda lighthouse



Unusual square lighthouse, apparently the SA government had run out of money, but needed a lighthouse on the Cape & this is the result



A monument of isolation & hardship, Cape Borda is testament to the courage and character of the early lighthouse keepers & their families.


Built in 1858, Cape Borda lighthouse played an important role in guiding ships to safety as they arrived off the roaring forties trade winds. For many years Cape Borda was inaccessible by land, its isolation testing relationships & resulting in several famous disputes.





Once again we arrived toooooo late for the firing of the cannon @ 1pm. Once used to set ships clocks & as a warning device in foggy conditions











Rugged coastal views

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