Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Duck lagoon


This place was a great find, definitely off the tourist radar, had the place to ourselves. We heard the council man @ Reeves Point tell a local that the BBQ's had been re-installed out there & decided it was worth a look & at $5 a real bargain



Views of Duck lagoon



Bob doing a bit of BIRD WATCHING!!!



Went for a walk around the lagoon & thought we had found an old hoochery!!! big still rusting away beside the lagoon. Turns out it one of the 49 stills used to extract eucalyptus oil in 1940's



Remains of the farm that was here, just a few rusty old cars & couple tin sheds









Sheep across the paddock coming down for a drink & believe or not but we had ONE koala in the tree above them


No luck with the yabbies, not enough for a feed. Guess it was their lucky day & they got to live another day in lagoon

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