Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Bordertown - SA

Back in South Australia, towns around here are in "Tatiara - The Good Country" district

Bordertown is also famous as the birthplace (1929) of Bob Hawke, former Prime Minister of OZ. His father was the local Congregational minister

The Tatiara council chambers has a Bob Hawkes display

The jacket he wore when Australia defeated America in America's Cup.
His words were "If any boss sacks someone for taking the day off,
"IS A BUM" !!!!

Hawke House

Tolmer park is named after Inspector Tolmers Gold escort, bringing gold back from Victorian gold fields for Sth Australian prospectors to keep the money in SA. Inspector Tolmer made 10 successful runs bringing the money back

Recreational park & lake, was made when they were building the by-pass around the town. Road base left a big hole in ground & they filled it with water & now have a lovely lake. Found out we could have camped here, maybe next time

White kangaroos @ Wildlife park established in 1968. White kangaroos first introduced in 1980 & now there is a large mob of them residing in the park

Gorgeous peacock

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Bob, Witchwae & White Kangaroos


Another country hotel 1903
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