Thursday, November 24, 2011


Keith in the early days, a railway siding was established on the Adelaide line, to serve the pastoral leases that had taken up in the surrounding districts during 1850's. The Keith district typifies "Real Australian countryside"


Mono rail train ride in kids playground


Rods & relics located in first blacksmiths shop


Henry & Rose restaurant & gift shop. It has been a general store, drapery, then a camping & motorbike shop, also used as a boxing venue. Certainly had a colourful history


Lovely shaded picnic spot down middle of street


"Circlework" it represents the wealth of underground water in this district & is a poigant reminder of how important all forms of water are to this area



1910 Church is now National trust. When first built in 1910 using local stone & labour it was the only church in town & parishioners of all denominations attended Sunday services together



In 1950 the AMP insurance company funded a development of vast areas of bushland into farmland, resulting in a large period of growth in Keith


"Land Rover on a pole" the memorial is dedicated to the "Desert Conquest Settlers". This landmark shows the Wiles huts which were home to families while their properties were being developed. The landrover played a major role in opening up the district


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