Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Cape Willoughby lighthouse

Day two of our Kangaroo island experience. Yesterday we bought a National parks pass for $51 each. This allows us to enter all the parks + 2 Lighthouses, walk on beach with seals & check out the caves


Road into Cape Willoughby lighthouse, most easterly point of Kangaroo island. The isolation & ruggedness of this part of the Dudley peninsula is striking


Built in 1852 Sth Australia's first lighthouse, guided the safe passage of sailing ships through the treacherous Backstairs passage & heralded the beginning of a booming shipping trade




Lighthouse keepers cottages. Now available as holiday accommodation




Looking east from the lighthouse





Unfortunately when we arrived today, there were NO tours of the lighthouse due to maintenance. Never mind we have one more lighthouse to go



Amazing scenery




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