Tuesday, March 6, 2012


Beachport, nestled on the northwestern tip of Rivoli Bay. The first industry in the SE of South Australia was a whaling station. Hunting was initially carried out from small boats & the whales were towed back to shore station for processing. Whaling was a critically important industry in the successful colonistion of SA

Pool of Siloam (Salt lake).  Beachport salt lake is almost 7 times saltier than the sea & the high salt concentration n the water makes swimming very easy, as the water is extremely buoyant.  Unfortunately it was freezing cold when we visited, so NO SWIMS TODAY!!!!



Rugged coastline


Customs house - restored to a working office of the late 19th century

How cute is this little church


Movie theatre



Beachport jetty  - the 2nd longest in SA @ 772m long




Bringing the lobster pots in for re-baiting





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