Friday, March 9, 2012

Umpherston sinkhole

These beautiful sunken gardens certainly had the WOW factor. We rode about 3 kms out the highway to these gardens

Umpherston sinkhole was once a cave formed through the dissolution of the limestone.  This sinkhole was created as a result of the roof chamber falling to the floor of the cave, creating the perfect environment for it's sunken garden

Mr Umpherston found this cave on his property & spent many hours creating the garden & sadly it fell into disrepair when he passed away in early 1900's.

Thankfully it has now been fully restored & is a beautiful place to sit awhile & look at the wonders of this place

The gardens are open at all times, spectacular by day with its beautiful terraced gardens & exciting at night when the resident possums venture out to feed in the floodlit gardens


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