Saturday, March 3, 2012

Naracoorte Caves

Jan & her new friend

Naracoorte Caves National park.  The only World Heritage listed site in South Australia, this 600ha area of limestone ranges is 10km south of Naracoorte.  Granted World heritage status in 1994 for its fossil mammmal deposits.  For more than a century the caves have been famous for their brillant underground limestone formations

We chose to do the tour of the "Bat cave".  Through infrared technology view the rare and secretive
"Bentwing  Bat" colony.  It was great watching the bats through TV's cameras set up in the cave.  These bats are only about 1" in size

Sinkhole into the cave

Our group entering Blanch cave

In years gone by, they use to have dances & picnic's in these caves

Excavating for fossils

Bob enjoying a late afternoon tea !!

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