Friday, March 16, 2012

Dartmoor - The Avenue of Honour

The Artist at Work.

By 1998 public & council acceptance of the scheme led to the commissioning of chainsaw - sculptor, Kevin Gilders to begin the carvings. Kevin was known & respected across Victoria for his public & private chainsaw artworks, & he took to the project with passion. Ideas for the carvings were proposed in public meetings & discussed with the artist - the final selections reflected: local veterans' experiences in the war, images that would evoke emotion in a modern observer & limitations imposed by the size & shape of the medium. Considerable research was done to ensure historical authenticity in the detail on the sculptures

The Game: recreation behind the frontline was critical to the morale of Anzac Diggers - one popular betting game was "Two Up".  The phrase "the game" was also the soldiers euphemism for "the war" & just as luck determined a win at "Two Up" so did it often determine survival on the battlefield
At Arms: Australian soldiers were respected for their courage & hardiness by friend & foe alike.  They typically had a larrikin spirit & a casual approach to drill & discipline. But they had a undeniable bond of respect for each other & nothing was worse than losing "a mate"
The Boy at War: Early in the war, recruits had to be at least 5 foot 6 inches tall, have a chest expansion of 34 inches & be aged 19-38 years.  It was common for young men .. boys.. to put up their age to go to war
The Parting: The reason why men enlisted in the Great War, to fight far from this serence district are varied, some believed in the patriotic cause, others merely sought adventure.  Some men were farewelled by a wife & children, others were held by their parents for perhaps the last time

Rest In Peace: Of the 60 personnel remembered in the Avenue, 18 paid the ultimate sacrifice.
Makeshift graves were common: others have no known resting pace
Over the top: Anzac Day commemorates the anniversary of the ill-fated attack at Gallipoli. This tree was planted for a "True Anzac" - Private 862 Sydney Smith.  He enlisted within 3 weeks of war being declared in August 1914, sailed with the first convoy of troops in November & was killed at Gallipoli on the "first Anzac Day" 25 April 1915

Three Services: Local men from the area served in all three services: army, navy & the fledgling airforce.  The duties performed ranged from Doctor to Stoker, Cyclist to Pilot, Farrier to Gunner, Rail-ganger to Stretcher bearer.  All their lives & wartime experiences are detailed in a local hsitory book published by Dartmoor district museum


Sad News: It was the practice for telegrams notifying families of a death to be addressed to the local clergymen so they could break the desolate news.  Sadly some district mothers received such news more than once

The Nurse : Nurses were beacons of hope & comfort for the wounded.  two nurses are remembered in the Avenue. This tree was planted for Sister Rachel Pratt, who famously won a Military Medal for gallantry under fire

Avenue of Honour
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